Blog October 11th A Journey of Faith

Father Help Me Acknowledge You featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard from the album I Look Up To The Heavens recorded and produced by John Hoginson


So sorry that this blog is posted a day late, but my wife and I have just returned from a lovely relaxing holiday in beautiful Madeira.

After taking our two doggies out for a walk I am off to Global Fire studies to see the final visual edit of “A Journey of Faith” which, as you may know, is Mustard Seeds’ ongoing project Blog May June 7th “A Journey of Faith”- Filming complete | Risen

This is the visual edit – the next part of the process is the audio edit which will include additional orchestration.  As “A Journey of Faith” is a study course using musical theatre to stimulate discussion on such challenging issues as “how can a God of love allow suffering” there will be accompanying study notes, which are also a work in progress. We hope to have everything ready for a launch in January.

“A Journey of Faith” is, of course, a spin off from our “Theophilus – The Musical” which is the sequel to “Risen! The Musical.”

One of the songs from both “A Journey of Faith” and “Theophilus – The Musical” is “You are the Shepherd of my Soul” sang rather beautifully in today’s featured video- I’ll tell you more of who the singer is next week.

Quote of the week

Blog October 3rd Last of the archive Mustard Seed Concerts

Jesus You Are Everything featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard from the album I Look Up To The Heavens recorded and produced by John Hodginson

And here is the last of the archived Mustard Seed Song concerts. I think it was 2006 but I might be wrong. The concert opens with “I Will Sing To The Lord God” which is taken from Exodus 15 – The song of Moses and Miriam and which also features in our forthcoming “Theophilus – The Musical.”

Quote of the week


Blog September 27th Moments of Sunshine No 22

I Sing This Song Of Love For You featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard from the album I Look Up To The Heavens recorded and produced by John Hodgkinson

I recently saw an inspiring and moving post on Facebook describing how a humpback whale was freed by some brave divers after it became entangled in a net. And how the whale showed its appreciation by swimming up to and nuzzling each diver in turn.  I tried to copy the post but was unsuccessful, however I found on YouTube a number of similar rescues with the whales amazingly showing their appreciation to the rescuers.  Today’s post in another moment of sunshine showing one such rescue.

Quote of the Week

Blog September 19th Moments of Sunshine No 21

Father Let Your Spirit Fall Upon Me featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard from the album I Look Up To The Heavens recorded and produced by John Hodgkinson.


The National Anthem may divide opinion, but I have always enjoyed singing it – and remember well a rousing rendition when recently visiting Twickenham with my wife, Caroline.   My only problem is remembering it is now God save the King and not God save the Queen!

There is, of course some debate about the interim England Football Manager not singing the National Anthem – I’ll leave that one with you. Also, some of the original words are a tad “iffy” for example “O Lord our God arise, scatter our enemies, and make them fall! Confound their politics, frustrate their knavish tricks, on Thee our hopes we fix, God save us all.”

However, when I switched on the TV to see the end of The Last Night of the Proms I simply loved the Benjamin Britten version- especially the start of the second verse/chorus– a definite “Moment of Sunshine!

The National Anthem begins at 3.00 mins in– but the prelude is also great – “Jerusalem!”

Quote of the Week

Music has the power to heal, to soothe, and to transport us to a different world.

Benjamin Britten



Blog September 12th Moments of Sunshine No 20

Bathe Me In Your Light featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard from the album I Look Up To The Heavens recorded and produced by John Hodgkinson


What words are they to describe the performances we witnessed during the recent Paris Para- Olympics?  Inspirational, courageous, heartwarming, heart- breaking? It is said a picture paints a thousand words and now videos perhaps even more.  So, today’s blog features a picture (well photo) and a video.

I did the high jump quite a bit in my youth – first at Primary School using the “Scissors” technique in which you landed on your feet. As the landing area was made up of hard coconut matting no other technique was feasible (unless of course you were mad!)  Then at Secondary school sand pits allowed the “Western Roll” in which you landed on your side. Then at College, “Straddle” which was similar to “Western Roll” but, like its name suggests, the bar was straddled with one leg then the other (“Western roll” had both legs clearing the bar at the same time.”) Then with the advent of crash mats and a high jump phenomenon named Dick Fosbury it was the “Fosbury” or “Fosbury Flop” as it was first called. So, with this background I was in total awe of what the high jumper in the video achieved.

The camaraderie which was intrinsic to the Para- Olympics is beautifully portrayed in the featured photo of wheelchair tennis singles finalists Alfie Hewitt and Tokito Oda, Tokito had just beaten Alfie and in the emotion of winning fell out of his wheelchair – Alfie came over to the other side of the net to help Tokito back into his chair, replacing a wheel and ending in an embrace of mutual respect.  Magic!

Quote of the week


Blog September 5th Another Archive Mustard Seed Concert

Jesus is the Alphabet featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard from the album I Look Up To The Heavens recorded and produced by John Hodgkinson.

Last week I said that I was so excited as I was about to go to the Global Fire Studies to view the edit of all ten episodes of “A Journey of Faith.” Well, I have to say that I was overjoyed with what I saw – Malachi of Global Fire Creative has been doing a fantastic job. So next the edit is off to Casey, our Director for his input, then Joffy, our MD for the audio edit and then we have a promo to produce.
In the meantime, another archive Mustard Seed Concert – this one from 2005 at the Oasis Church, Portsmouth. It was produced in support of the charity “Faith and Football” and features its Director, Mick Mellows interviewing Portsmouth FC legend, Linvoy Primus – you can find that at about 25 mins in. Not sure why the video lasts over three hours – the concert certainly did not – it must repeat itself for some reason.

Quote of the week

Blog August 29nd Moments of Sunshine No 19

In Times of Trouble featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard from the album I Look Up To The Heavens recorded and produced by John Hodgkinson

I am excited as tomorrow I go to the Global Fire Studies to view the edit of all ten episodes of “A Journey of Faith.” After I have had a look, it gets passed to Casey, our Director for his input and then Joffy, our Musical Director for the audio edit which will include more orchestration.
I am, at present, reviewing the Bible notes I have written with various people offering their comments. We will hopefully have everything completed before Christmas, but as everything stops for Christmas the actual launch will probably be January. Will let you know!
Next week I have another archive Mustard Seed concert to share but this week it’s another moment of sunshine.

Quote of the week

Blog August 22nd Another Mustard Seed Concert Video

So here is another archived Mustard Seed Concert video– this one I believe was performed in 2002 and again features Bob Milliken as compere and Lucy Stimpson- Maynard on vocals and piano, This time they are joined by the embryonic Mustard Seed Soul Band and the Mustard Seed Girls Choir. The concert supported young Christian missionaries, Jez Field, Clare Townsend and Amelia Sweetland.

Quote of the week

Blog August 15th Arden Theatre News Plus The Olympics

“Father Help Me Acknowledge You” featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard recorded and produced by John Hodgkinson

You may remember that we had intended and Easter production of Risen! The Musical at the Titchfield Festival Theatre’s Arden Theatre – in the end we had to withdraw, not least because Fareham Borough Council placed an injunction on the Arden which had to close while waiting appeal Blog February 1st Risen! The Musical – The Arden Theatre Saga – Part One | Risen – Well the outcome was heard yesterday and it was heartbreaking news for the Titchfield Festival Theatre and all its supporters.
The Southern Daily Echo reported:
Director Kevin Fraser said: “I am clearly broken hearted at the decision from the Planning Inspectorate. The country will lose one of its greatest community arts assets and Shakespeare must be turning in his grave!
“In light of this decision, I will speak to our Trustees and fully evaluate the outcome before commenting further.”
He urged audiences to support Made in Dagenham, which takes to the stage next month, and could be the last show in the venue, in St Margaret’s Lane, which has been besieged with parking problems.
The community theatre made a last-ditch attempt to save the space with an appeal to the highest planning decision making body.
It said it already had permission for the work to create the Arden theatre space but FBC disagreed, saying it was only to be used as storage.
In November 2023, the council served an enforcement order to close the charity’s largest theatre space.
Speaking after the Planning Inspectorate decision, Cllr Joanne Burton, Fareham Borough and Hampshire County Councillor for Sarisbury and Fareham’s Executive Member for Health and Public Protection, said: “It is regrettable that the company carried out these works without planning consent and in doing so they let down their many users and patrons as well as costing Fareham Borough Council taxpayers a significant sum of money to bring about compliance with planning law. The same laws which apply to everyone else.”
On a brighter note this week’s blog includes two videos from the Paris Olympics. German shot putter Yemisi Ogunleye who broke into worship after winning gold at Paris 2024.
Also, Kate Shortman and Isabelle Thorpe winning silver in the artistic swimming. I could have chosen hundreds of clips displaying awesome skill from the Olympians, but not being blessed with much swimming ability myself, I really was in awe of what these two performed in the water.

Quote of the Week

Blog August 8th Olympians with Christian faith

I Look Up To The Heavens featuring Lucy Stimpson -Maynard from the album I Look Up To The Heavens recorded and produced by John Hodgkinson.

Just taking a break from sharing old Mustard Seed Song concert videos with a mention of how gratifying it is to read of those taking part in the current Olympics who express their faith in God.

Three-time Olympic swimming champion Adam Peaty says his Christian faith has helped him deal with his mental health struggles and handle the pressures of the Paris Olympic Games.
“Sport is not the real world,” he told BBC East Midlands
“I spent most of my life kind of validating, getting my gratification or life’s fulfilment from my results and that led me to some dark moments.
“And it’s really living your life on a quantifiable measure of results, results, results instead of how are the people around me? How am I, how is my son, how is my family?
“All these things actually do matter, it’s not about your job, it’s not just about performance.
“And to get that, the only place I found it was at church.”
It is while he talks of God, his faith and attending Sunday sermons, that the heavily tattooed Peaty points to the latest and most prominent bit of ink on his body.
On his abdomen is a cross with the words “into the light” written below it.
“I really didn’t have a community outside of sport,” Peaty said.
“For me, the only fulfilment and the only peace is every Sunday at church. It gives me a nice balance. It is those everyday conversations or prayers with myself that keeps me inspired, but also keeps me on the right track that I’ve got a gift that I will use every single day.”
“Why wouldn’t I use this gift?”
Two other Olympians who are open about their faith are Andrea Spendolini – Sirieix and Lois Toulon who won bronze in the synchronized diving – todays video features their interview.

Quote of the Week