Patrick with orphan children

Risen Christ Central Chapel
Last week I shared some photos and a video of children from the Risen Christ Central Chapel in Southern Nigeria receiving books featuring stories from the Bible. They had kindly been donated by Faith and Football. For those who are unaware of the connection between Mustard Seeds and the Risen Christ Central Chapel I promised an explanation this week.
On the death of his Grandfather (his father had already died) Patrick Oki was about to become Chief of his village in Nigeria. However the elders wanted him to denounce his Christian faith and return to the native religion which had been practiced before his Grandfather was Chief – this included human sacrifice. When he refused his life was in danger and so he sought asylum in England. It was in Haslar Detention Centre, Gosport that I first met Patrick some ten years ago. Unfortunately his asylum claim was rejected and he was deported to Nigeria where he had to re locate a long way from his village to stay safe.
Patrick told me that when he returned from England, he was ill for two years, not being able to walk or even stand; having been rejected and abandoned by his family and friends- he was left to die, with no one to care for him except his son Emmanuel. Sometimes they had no food to eat, and he even prayed for God to take his life- all this because he had denounced the religious tradition of his people to follow Jesus. Patrick said “I made a vow that if the Lord healed me, I would serve him all the rest of my life and one day the Lord sent a servant – Evangelist Lady Lizbeth who prayerfully joined hands with me and the Lord set me free. Praise the Lord I became born again to the glory of God.”
Patrick went on to serve God and is an unpaid Pastor in Cross River State, Southern Nigeria. His congregation was worshiping in a hired hall and looking after a number of orphans (see pic) Mustard Seed Songs raised funds to build a new church which was named The Risen Christ Central Chapel. (see pic)
Tragically Pastor Patrick died on Easter Sunday two years ago, but thankfully his wife Rev. Elizabeth took on the leadership of the church. It was Rev. Lilly that featured in last week’s blog when she received a package of children’s books (Bible stories) donated by Faith and Football
This week’s featured song is Patrick’s favourite “A Mustard Seed of Faith” sang here by the Portsmouth Gospel Choir and produced by Mustard Seeds’ Musical Director, Joffy James (Girling)
Quote of the week