Blog July 24th “Where Would I Be Without You?”

“Where Would I Be Without You”

“Give Us Your Heart Lord” from album “Where Would I Be Without You?” featuring Lucy Stimpson- Maynard. Produced and recorded  by Ross Gill

I am very fortunate in that my house overlooks The Solent and from my lounge window on the first floor I can look across the water to the Isle of Wight. Whilst sitting on my settee and enjoying this amazing view God has inspired me to write lots of songs, including  “My Beloved King” “This is not Heaven” “Be Set Free” “There is Going to be Party” “Who am I to Judge” and “You Can Call Me Abba?”

I also remember contemplating and then writing the words to the title song of our sixth album “Where Would I Be Without You?”:

“Where would I be without You if you had not taken my sin away, lost without hope forsaken, frozen with fear of the Judgment Day. And how can I live without You, if weren’t there in my time of need, no comfort no strength just aching – life’s painful words left unhealed to bleed. How could I live – how could I live?

The whole CD was recorded in Ross Gill’s studio that he built in the loft of his parent’s house – Andy and Kay; Elders at Lee Community Church.

“Where Would I Be Without You?” has a number of tracks that have now been adapted and incorporated into our forthcoming musical “Risen!”  For example “A Crown Day A Cross Tomorrow” has become “One Day A Crown.” “The melody of “Here I am Because I Love You” is used for Jesus singing “Do you have anything to eat- I’m not a ghost see my hands and feet.” And “Give Us Your Heart Lord” is the same version in Risen! as it is in the “Where Would I Be” album.

I have chosen “Give Us Your Heart Lord” as this week’s featured song, again beautifully sung by Lucy Stimpson- Maynard. I feel it is particularly relevant to how we look and react to the world today with all its massive problems.  I think the song holds one of my favourite lines:

Peace stems from forgiveness, revenge brings more pain, to give is a gain not a loss, choosing to understand rather than blame these truths cry out from the cross”

In the musical Risen! Lucy sings the part of a Susanna, to whom Luke introduces us in  Chapter 8:3. Susanna, together with Mary Magdalene and Joanna, out of their own resources helped and supported Jesus and His disciples. In Risen! Susanna’s beautiful voice entertains Jesus’ followers as they travel to and from Jerusalem and Galilee.

I think I should take this opportunity to flag up another Christian musical called “Love Beyond.” I have just received information about this brand new production. The promo states “New Bible based Musical Hits the World Stage” It is playing at the Wembley Arena on 1st and 2nd of October.

“Love Beyond” looks really great – now I have to put my hand on my heart and admit that “This old heart of mine” (must be a song title there!!)  did sink a tad because my first reaction was  “Oh no someone has got in first before our Risen!”   However a) that is so selfish -I am seriously embarrassed b) “Love Beyond” features the whole Bible Story whereas Risen!  focuses  on the Resurrection c) God’s grace holds no bounds-  it is indeed “Love beyond” d) it proves that a Christian musical can be produced  West End style” -e) it reassures  me that if God is behind your dreams then you can dream as big as you like and your dreams will come true as nothing is impossible with God.

So I am buying my tickets for “Love Beyond” and hope you do the same.

Next blog features our seventh CD “Lift Your Hearts To Heavenly Places.” We produced this CD for the charity “Release International”  which like “Christian Solidarity Worldwide”” Barnabas Aid” and  “Open Doors” seeks to support the persecuted church.