Blog August 15th “The Gospel of Christ”

His Story girls 1
Nicola, Fiona, Kat and Katy of the Mustard Seed Soul Band

Lucy Jane Rutheeford singing “The Gospel of Christ”


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Ross Gill playing at a Mustard Seed Concert

“The Gospel of Christ” featuring Nicola Poustie, Fiona Poustie, Kat Hands and Katy Summer  of the Mustard Seed Soul Band

“The Gospel of Christ” featuring Lucy Jane Rutherford. From album “Heart and Soul”

Last week I said that in this blog I would tell you about the album “Precious” but I want to delay that for a week or so as I have realised that I had not completed my previous story relating to Lucy Jane Rutherford.  I spoke of how she had taken some of my songs and transformed them with her wonderful interpretations.  I have to be honest and admit that in the main I am rather “precious” with the melodies with which God has inspired me and therefore do not take too kindly if a  musician does not copy them pretty much exactly. With Lucy Jane, however it is different matter as she takes my melodies to a very lovely but “different place.”

Perhaps a good example is the song “The Gospel of Christ.” I remember God giving me those words and the first line of the melody when I was driving my car from my house in Portsmouth Road just around the corner to Wotton Road.  The Mustard Seed Soul Band recorded a “soul” version of the song for the album “Heart and Soul.” However I had always felt it to be appropriate for a folk feel.  I therefore asked Lucy Jane to sing her own interpretation and this was added to the “Heart and Soul” album as a “bonus track.” It also featured in our first musical “His Story.” Both versions feature in today’s blog – I think this is a good example of how a song can be interpreted in very different ways.

Lucy Jane also sings a song on the album “Where Would I Be Without You? (see blog July 24th)  The song is “If You Call His Name” and was specifically written for my future wife Caroline, when she was going through a very difficult time and was most unwell.  The song is taken from the story of the woman who Jesus healed in Luke Chapter 8 after she had suffered for years from bleeding. The second verse is:

I know you feel that all is lost, your pain’s so great, it is all hopeless, but if you touch His hands just gently, you will know He has scars too, And He will say, “Yes I have suffered, I have cried out just like you. Oh precious child, oh precious one, you’re not alone now; now you’ve come to me.

Ross Gill recorded the song in the studio he built in his parent’s house. Ross was responsible for arranging, recording, producing and mastering the following Mustard Seed albums: “Heart on Fire”- “His Story” – “Where Would I Be Without You?”- “Precious”- “Lift Your Hearts to Heavenly Places”- “Unsung Heroes” and “The Season of Singing.”  In addition I am indebted to Ross for his brilliant singing and guitar playing. The blog of February 27th featured Ross on the track “Be Set Free” but he also sings and plays on “You Are My Rock”-“Walking With Jesus”- “Allow His Loving Arms”  and “Mustard Seed Of Faith.” Ross is now dedicated to the work of Global Fire Productions of which he is Co -Director with Craig Johnson

Ross was leader of the Mustard Seed Soul Band, the main vocalists of which were Nicola Poustie, Fiona Poustie,  Kat Hands and Katy Summer.  I have already mentioned Nicola as she was the vocal MD for the Easter 2012 Holy Rood production of Risen!  In addition the blog of June 6th talked about how Nicola and Fiona arranged the harmonies for the song “Great and Marvellous.” Harmony is one of the many gifts that Nicola and Fiona have.  In fact on leaving school they and Kat formed a group called “Akappela Blue” which had considerable success.  Mustard Seeds have been so fortunate to have had their vocal talents together with that of Katy Summer who joined a little later. The four girls sung in all the productions of our first musical “His Story” -all the Mustard Seed concerts and most of our CDs. They also sung at the wedding of Caroline and myself and I will always be indebted to them and I thank them all so very much.

So next week is the “Precious” CD story which includes how my mum became a Christian aged 101!!