Blog September 25 “Two great celebrations“

Mr Mill with his first Tutor Group at Crofton 40th Anniversary/Mr Mill’s Celebration Party

“Love is the Way” from album of same name featuring Lucy Stimpson-Maynard on vocals and  Ross Gill on guitar

The wedding on Saturday of the Risen! webmaster  Mr Peter-John Radcliffe to his lovely bride Lorna was beautiful . The Vicar Stephen Girling presided over a relaxed and but reverent Service with Curate Steve Marsh giving a humorous and engaging message.  I was so chuffed that Mr and Mrs Radcliffe asked me to read a passage from Scripture – Ecclesiastes 4: 9-12  “If one falls down his friend can help him up. But pity the man who has no one to help him up. Also if two lie down together they will keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered two can defend themselves. A chord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  I was also honoured by having two Mustard Seed Songs – “Love is the Way” (featured in today’s blog ) and “Amazing Love” played during the signing of the register. Many congratulations to you both, Mr and Mrs Radcliffe – may your marriage be truly blessed.

That evening there was the 40th Crofton School Anniversary Celebration combined with Mr Mill’s Retirement Party.  This was held at Fareham’s Ferneham Hall. For those who do not know, Mr Mill (Mr Bob Milliken) is the legendary RE Teacher who dedicated his life to the students of Crofton School- this  was indeed his ministry. It was a great evening – some ex – students coming to meet with old friends not seen for 35 years – others to say thank you to Mr Mill and to have their photograph taken with him.

Entertainment was from the School Reunion Band and included live karaoke.  Vocalist for the band was Nicola Hanser (nee Poustie) who has featured predominately in these blogs and who sung the role  of Mary Magdalene for  our Risen! CD

Mr Mill had a great time and of course we wish him the long and happy retirement he so richly deserves.

Next week – it has to be fund raising time!